Saturday, 7 September 2013

Pokerstars Scammed and Rigged Players 5

So at night, I tried a new tournament. I register late and ths hand is my first hand... I am the big blind and it was a min raise, so I called.

On the FLOP.. i got 2 pair WOW, autowin LOL. The small blink shove all in on the flop, I call... and Pockets 4 calls.

And you can guess, the donkeys hit the set on the turn and me ended up getting rigged by pokerstars. Remember, this is my first hand LOL. What's the odds of being hit a set 3 times out of 5 all-in... and the 5 are the only hands I played all day. Pokerstars is so rigging money to stupid and donkeys players, so be careful guys, don't play on pokerstars!

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